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be proactive NOT REACTIVE

C.P.S.S Management take pride in their wealth of experience in the protection of people and property. Incorporating consultants from, British Army Special Units, the Police and Ministry of Defence, we can boast over 40 years of active service keeping people safe.


Our multi-functional group are dedicated to providing advice, risk assessments and solutions to any perceived threat or aggression in the UK and Globally. 


Our integrity is assured and our aim is to provide our services, overtly or covertly, with minimum impedance to the client’s business or family life. 


Staff & Consultants

Our operatives are all licensed by the Security Industry Authority and conform to our exacting requirements of fitness, conflict management and defensive tactics. We believe it is paramount for them to operate with subtlety, sensitivity and the utmost care to provide comprehensive solutions without commotion.


Personal Protection Service

C.P.S.S can provide short or long-term exclusive global protection for any individual, celebrity, business executive or group, who are considered vulnerable, either because of their status, current location or an intended travel destination.


  • A Close Protection Team or Bodyguard

  • Current relevant global intelligence

  • Travel advice

  • Residential security at destination

Personal Protection


Surveillance and counter surveillance are two of our specialist services which have become increasingly sophisticated with the continuous development of technology. Our experts in this field can operate to provide peace of mind for individual clients or investigations on behalf of commercial clients who suspect corporate espionage. Integrity and respect for the privacy of individuals will always be a consideration and collateral intrusion will be properly balanced with the requirement of the client.


  • Proactive and defensive surveillance tactics

  • G.P.S and technical surveillance

  • Detailed intelligence

  • Valid evidence where required 

  • Real time situation reports

Technical Property Surveillance

Invasive technical eavesdropping equipment can expose the vulnerability of even the most complex security barriers. C.P.S.S can provide both physical and technical sweeps which will secure a sterile environment and report any potential susceptibility to attack

Asset Tracking

G.P.S tracking facilities can be provided by our teams to monitor the security, safety and movement of an individual, an item of property or high value cargo.

  • Survey and feasibility study

  • Covert or Overt installation

  • Remote monitoring facilities  

  • Detailed log of events

  • Geofencing facility and alarm instigation

  • Physical presence and support


Residential Security

Executive Residential Surveys providing full physical and technical surveys of residential properties, places of work and empty properties. Surveys will take account of cost implications and the bespoke parameters of deployment can be selected to include:​​

  • Static security measures and CCTV monitoring 

  • Security Vehicle Patrols

  • Security Team providing up to 24/7 monitoring and surveillance

  • Personal Bodyguard protection

  • Handler and Protection Dog

residential security

Mobile Patrol

If you have an asset that demands some protection, but does not warrant full time security, a security patrol vehicle checking the property at salient times may be the answer. We are deploying mobile patrols to enhance security on vulnerable high value properties in the U.K giving families added peace of mind. â€‹

  • Feasibility study of locations

  • Fully equipped patrol vehicle

  • Operative qualified by the Security Industry Authority

  • Direct communication with C.P.S.S control centre

  • Perimeter checks

  • Response to irregularities 

  • Incident report to client 

Event Security 

Our operatives will add another layer to the standard guarding security at your event, providing invaluable early warning of interference to your meeting or conference.​

  • Risk profile surveys

  • Advance reconnaissance

  • Perimeter access control

  • High and low profile physical security

  • Evacuation procedures

  • Security Chauffeurs

Security Audits

The undisputable strength of any security resource is the reliability of its response to any occurrence.  C.P.S.S regularly tests the performance of staff to preserve its outstanding reputation. 


Our consultants can impartially carry out extensive penetration tests and provide a constructive report to the parent company giving reassurance of the protection provided or solutions to any identified vulnerabilities.   

Glass Buildings
Contact Us


Tel: +44 (0)203 475 9928

24h: +44 (0)7990 825289



CPSS Global Security Solutions
85 Great Portland Street 
London, W1W 7LT
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